Wednesday, December 3, 2008

In a pickle

Canada  is coming apart at the seams.   Or is it?
Canada just convened a federal general election, just over a month ago, re-establishing  a minority government.....that's doomed to fail....or so it seems.

In  a political move that borders on the absurd,  the opposition parties  have   created  a trilogy
of the foolish,   a contract between liberal, social and separatist legions, with the intent of over throwing the  conservative minority. Its technically  a legal maneuver  under  Canadian government rule, however  it  is morally,  socially, intellectually and  undeniably  foolishly wrong.
It speaks to the lack of  intelligence of the political opposition and how disparately they are to undermine  the will and general consensus of the  public. 
The separatists want to separate, the rest of the country either doesn't care,  or doesn't think they have the right to separate, and sure as beans,  doesn't want them to have  veto for any on going government  planning, which the contract gives tacit approval to. And if the truth were known,  the separatists, if they had there way, and did separate, would be faced with 1) paying back a debt to the Canadian people that would take centuries and 2) would be forced to learn English,  to  set up any reasonable trade relations with the USA, which goes against the reason they want to separate in the first place, so they at heart don't really want to separate either        ( and besides, the USA doesn't want  a patch work quilt along one of the worlds longest   borders, it would just prefer some sort of instability in Canada so it had  a justified reason to  step in and take the whole damn thing over)

The really  ugly possibility is that, finally,  the silent majority in Canada will  say they've had enough and do some major HOUSE  cleaning, in the only really viable option which is a bloody up-rising....  because  really,  doesn't  every  country eventually have to rely on insurrection  to bring about an end to the foolish  greedy thoughtless, elitist  governments, who forget the very fundamental reasons  why they  exist, in the first place.

Besides, its time the capital of Canada  was moved  anyhow ...maybe  Winnipeg !!!!!!!!!!!

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